This is a student reference guide to contraindications, pre and post treatment advice. Have a good read through all my pre and post advice to check if this treatment is right for your client.
Contraindication to any facial treatment:
Cold Sores
Colds/Flu or generally unwell.
Lymphatic cancers (will contraindicate the facial massage)
Undergoing Cancer Treatment (This will require a doctor/specialists note stating if they are comfortable for you to have treatment at this stage. If not, then we recommend waiting 3/6 months after treatment has completed)
Major Surgery – Regardless of the area of the body, facials can speed up the circulatory system which can lead to infections travelling around the body at a quicker phase. We recommend 6 months after surgery before having a treatment.
Botox & Fillers (will need to wait 3 weeks before commencing treatments)
clients using Retin-A, Renova, Adapalene or any other intensive prescribed exfoliating product must discontinue use at least 2 weeks before undergoing this treatment. Clients taking Accutane or have taken Accutane within the past 6 months, should not receive any exfoliation treatment. Cannot perform on clients with sunburned or irritated skin, or skin that has been waxed within the past 24 hours.
Do not undertake any other facial treatments within 48 hours of your appointment
Avoid heat treatments such as sauna, steam room for 48 hours.
Avoid perfumed products, self tan or heavy makeup application for 24 hours.
Do not apply any other exfoliating skincare products for 72 hours after having a facial
Avoid touching the area. Your skin’s pores may be open and dirty fingers can cause infection.
Drink plenty of water to flush away any toxins following massage.
Avoid showering before bed to allow facial products maximum time to treat your skin.
ADDITIONAL ADVICE Facials are an external way to detoxify. When you detoxify, your body rids itself of toxins and impurities, oftentimes through the skin. Getting rid of toxins can boost energy and leave your skin looking luminous but before this you may first experience some pimples or rashes as toxins release through the skin. It is normal to get some mild redness immediately after treatment. SKINCARE ADVICE Your skin works hard to keep you healthy, and you can return the favour by looking after it. Top Tips:
Use an SPF. Sunlight contains ultraviolet (UV) rays, which are the main cause of skin ageing and can cause skin cancer.
Stop smoking. Smoking is one of the main environmental factors in premature skin ageing by breaking down and preventing the production of new collagen. Smoking also causes the tiny blood vessels in the skin to constrict, reducing the supply of oxygen to the skin.
Cut down your alcohol consumption. When you drink alcohol, your body and skin can become dehydrated, leaving the skin looking older and tired.
Eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water.
Follow a skin care routine to nourish and treat your skin. Ask your skin care professional what products would be best suited to protect and improve your skin. Cleanse morning and night. Exfoliate. Use a mask, eye cream and skin appropriate moisturiser.
If you experience a reaction to your treatment that continues for more than 24 hours please see your GP.